
Membership fees and benefits

The membership fee is £299 +VAT (£59.80). This includes a vetting fee of £24.99 +VAT (£5) and is non-refundable, regardless of whether the application is successful or not.

Choose how to pay

You can choose to pay in full upon application or spread the cost over 12 months. That's just £24.99 +VAT (£5) per month.

Member benefits

  • Display your Trading Standards Checked badge on your vehicles and company websites.

  • Industry leading verified reviews platform

  • We can promote your business to over half a MILLION Kent residents every month!

  • Trading Standards Checked verified reviews for your customers.

  • Spread the cost of your membership payment over 12 months.

  • You will have access to professional Trading Standards advice.

  • Free face to face networking events so you can talk to us and other members directly.

  • Exclusive promotion of Trading Standards Checked traders via other KCC services such as Community Wardens, Social Care and Highways.

  • You are helping to stop doorstep criminals Stop doorstep criminals from taking your business and protect residents at the same time.
  • Trading Standards paperwork You will have access to Trading Standards paperwork giving you peace of mind that your business is compliant
  • Online profile You will have a dedicated business profile on the Trading Standards Checked website displaying your own business logo, reviews, accreditations and photo gallery.
  • Networking events Join our in-person networking events, for scheme details, feedback, Q&A sessions and more.
  • Welcome pack Free welcome pack that includes unique vehicle vinyls and a Trading Standards Checked notepad and pen.

Promotional benefits

We promote your business to over half a MILLION residents every month!

As well as the physical benefits on offer, our marketing team work tirelessly to promote our members as safe traders across the county.

Local publications

Local newspapers have featured alerts and information about the scheme within their papers. We are working with more and more community organisations to help increase awareness about Trading Standards Checked.

Digital media

Doorstep crime alerts regularly reach 50,000 Kent residents per post and are picked up by local organisations including Neighbourhood Watch, Parish Councils and Kent Police.

Over 117,000 Kent residents were reached using Facebook, with 48,000 video views and 4,000 link clicks to the website.

Welcome posts for new traders on our Facebook page to over 10,000 Kent residents

Other campaigns and events

‘No Cold Caller’ campaign to stop the increase in rogue and criminal traders targeting Kent residents. We reached 68,000 Kent residents in this partnership with Kent Police, Citizens Advice, Neighbourhood Watch and KCC Community Wardens.

Kent Police Open Day - We joined the Kent Police open day hosting a stall for visitors to find out more information about doorstep crime. Over 20,000 visited the event across the weekend with us handing out lots of leaflets and promotional items.

Radio - A recent campaign with Heart Radio targeting Kent residents reached 330,000 to tell them about the scheme.

Other benefits

In addition to the benefits listed above, membership to Trading Standards Checked also entitles you to discounts on professional legal advice and support.

Legal services at competitive rates

Invicta Law is able to offer legal advice and assistance at extremely competitive rates.

Advice in relation to company law, commercial contracts and undertakings including technology, construction, consultancy (including contract disputes), employment law advice for small business and advice on all types of commercial property law relating to offices and other business premises.

The work is carried out by experienced solicitors and legal staff. Invicta Law is fully regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under registration number 631355.

Invicta Law legal advice

20% discount on Trading Standards pay as you go business advice

Trading Standards professional advice and support will reduce risks to your business whilst allowing it to grow with confidence. Whether you want clarity on a specific issue or a solution to a complex problem, Trading Standards can provide the help you need.

20% discount will be applied when you pay.

Trading Standards business advice

50% discount on KCC's Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme

Alternative Dispute Resolution is available to customers who are unable to resolve a dispute with a trader. It helps to resolve disputes quickly and reduces the need for costly and time-consuming court proceedings. All members of Trading Standards Checked (TSC) agree to enter into ADR if the customer wishes to use it. Members of Trading Standards Checked can benefit from a 50% discount on KCC's accredited ADR scheme.

Kent County Council ADR

Dont get left behind. Become a Trading Standards safe trader today!