The only traders vetted by Kent Trading Standards

Trading Standards Safe Trader

Why should I apply?

Trading Standards Checked is Kent's only safe trader scheme. It is here to support local businesses and protect Kent residents. It can support your business by promoting you as a safe local trader and will put you directly in front of over half a MILLION Kent residents every month. See more benefits here.

The scheme is simple and hassle free. There are no hidden costs and the online application process is straight forward. You can manage and edit all your business details easily and conveniently from your trader account. It also offers excellent value for money and provides your business with all the support it needs to trade with confidence.

Dont get left behind! Become a safe, reliable trader

As a member of Trading Standards Checked, you can be proud to be one of Kent's safest traders. The checks we carry out makes Trading Standards Checked a trusted source of safe businesses for Kent residents. It will set your business apart and give your customers complete peace of mind when dealing with you.

What if things go wrong?

Business Companion provides free information for businesses and individuals that need to know about Trading Standards and consumer protection legislation

Contact Us

03000 421 870

Help your business to stand out from the crowd, join Trading Standards Checked.